Whether it’s through monetary gifts, in-kind donations, cause-marketing campaigns or volunteering, our corporate partners have been a vital part of helping us deliver comfort and compassion to women impacted by homelessness. There are several ways to get your company involved.
Making a financial donation is a simple and efficient way to demonstrate your company's support of local women impacted by homelessness. The funds we receive from generous corporate donors allow us to effectively support our 500+ volunteers, to deliver our programs in under-served communities, and to create new, exciting initiatives that will touch the lives of thousands of vulnerable Canadians.
We are often seeking donations of the many goods and services we rely on to deliver our programs across Canada. Our Local Chapters are 100% Volunteer managed across each province.The logistics involved in running our gift drives is an enormous undertaking in our larger cities across the country. Goods most needed are cosmetics, gift cards and toiletries.Services required include storage space, commercial space and printing. All are necessary for our teams to work effectively to provide the quality of gifts we have proudly provided to thousands of women over the last 12+ years. Your donation would be an incredible help.
To offer a donation of goods and services in your region, please check for a Local Chapter near you. For larger donations across multiple locations, contact our head office.
Employee Shoebox drives are:
A meaningful way to give back to the communities where you do business
A fun, hands-on team building activity for all staff, whether located at one central office, working remotely at home, or spread out across the country
Easy to plan and execute
Flexible; can be tailored to suit any occasion, corporate environment, timeline or budget
A non-denominational holiday activity for staff of all backgrounds and beliefs
Contact your local chapter or our head office to learn more!
Today, employees, clients and potential customers prefer to associate with Canadian enterprises that share their social values.
We can help you achieve your goals! We have several customizable partnership opportunities, with a national reach and a local grassroots focus. We want to know what ‘social impact’ means to you and work together to make meaningful change.
We are excited to partner with Kits for a Cause to offer another easy way to give back as a team. This opportunity is perfect for a group without a big budget to work with, as individual team members and supporters can make financial donations toward your event’s goal. With the money you fundraise, Kits for a Cause will send you all the materials you need to complete your Shoeboxes. Our team will work with you to distribute your gifts to local women impacted by homelessness. Through their Wish List fundraising platform, the individual donations you receive will be eligible for tax receipts from a partner charity, the Unity Values Foundation.